
Akilla's Escape weaves the present and past in a crime-noir about the urban child-soldier. Set in Toronto and New York where over 450,00 Jamaicans reside, the story speaks to the historical criminalization of black boys that modern society overlooks. Akilla Brown is forty-years-old and for the first time in his life, the clandestine cannabis grow operation he runs is legit. Only one year into government approval legalization, the pendulum of hypocrisy takes a toll and Akilla decides to cash out. While making a routine delivery on a cool, summer night, destiny takes an unexpected turn when Akilla confronts a firestorm of masked youths in an armed robbery. In the aftermath of the heist, Akilla captures one of the thieves, a mute fifteen-year-old boy named Sheppard. Upon leaning the bandits are affiliated with the Garrison Army, a Jamaican crime syndicate his grandfather founded. Akilla is forced to reckon with a cycle of violence he thought he escaped.


  • 9.0HD炼狱Alexandr,Baranov,Viktor,Stepanov,Viktor,Stepanov
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  • 4.0超清长津湖吴京,易烊千玺,段奕宏,朱亚文,李晨,韩东君,胡军,张涵予,黄轩,欧豪,史彭元,李岷城,唐国强,杨一威,周小斌,林永健,王宁,刘劲,卢奇,王伍福,耿乐,曹阳,李军,王同辉,艾米,石昊正,许明虎
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  • 9.0正片绝地狙杀罗立群,彭高唱,张煜龙,任思齐,周朗,赵云天,石欧,郭一扬,邵桐,王鲁

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