

03:34: Earthquake in Chile (Spanish: 03:34: Terremoto en Chile) is a Chilean film directed by Juan Pablo Ternicier, and written by Mateo Iribarren, which will narrate three different stories, based on the 8.8 Richter magnitude earthquake, and subsequent tsunami that hit Chile in 2010.The movie shows three stories of people that was affected by the disaster.The first of them, shows a woman (Andrea Freund) that goes from Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region, to the devastated town of Dichato, Biobío Region, as her sons were there spending their vacations there with Manuel (Marcelo Alonso), their father.The second story shows the experience of a convict (Fernando Gómez-Revira), who escapes from the Chillán Prison to Concepción, as his daughter was in the Alto Río building, which collapsed during the earthquake.The third story is developed in Dichato, where a group of young people (Loreto Aravena, Eduardo Paxeco, and Andrés Reyes), while enjoying their last day of vacations in a party, experience the strong movement and tsunami that annihilates the place.


  • 3.0高清野花MartinaBezousková,SylvieKraslová,SáraVorisková,AnnaGeislerová
  • 2.0HD女学生纳塔利娅·德·莫利纳,FrancescaPiñón,AinaraNieto,EvaMagaña,CarlotaGurpegui,AndreaFandos,JuliaSierra,JesusaAndany,MercèMariné,ZoeArnao,ElisaMartínez
  • 1.0HD黄昏真田广之,宫泽理惠,小林稔侍,大杉涟,吹越满,深浦加奈子,神户浩,草村礼子,吉田宪二,山崎贵,中村梅雀,赤冢真人,樱井千里,北山雅康,尾美利德,田中泯,岸惠子,丹波哲郎
  • 1.0BD高清灵蚀桑德拉·埃斯卡塞纳,布鲁纳·冈萨雷斯,克劳蒂亚·普莱瑟,伊凡·查韦罗,安娜·托伦特,康斯薇洛·特鲁希略,安吉拉·费比安,卡拉·坎普拉,Miranda
  • 5.0HD湘西赶尸陈厚,钟情,王琳,文娴,刘仁杰,杨易木
  • 10.0HD新僵尸先生[粤语版]林正英,许冠英,钱小豪,吴君如

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